在土地稀缺的新加坡,工业用房的租金昂贵。 星马阁楼平台系统是增加存储空间的理想方法,适合于暂时使用以促进业务发展
In Singapore where land is scarce, rents for industrial buildings are expensive. The Sigma Platform System is an ideal way to increase storage space, suitable for temporary use to promote business growing up.
Fair Price & Re-useable Design to achive cost reduction Reuse back up to 90% for future shifting of warehouse or redesign
星马平台系统型材由高强度钢制成,最高可达450 MPA,所有的柱和梁均涂有蓝色的环氧粉末涂层。在产品材料上物有所值
Sigma Section made of High Tensile Steel up to 450 MPA,All Column & Beam are Epoxy Powder Coated in Blue. Value money on products materials.
结构钢性符合重量要求 /Structure meets weight requirements.
货物整齐带来效率 / Tidy warehouses bring for efficiency
可重复使用高达90%的资源 / Reuse back up to 90%.
工程结构计算认可 / Engineer Endorsement.
金风工程 (新)有限公司是一家 货物存储工程位于新加坡和马来西亚 (柔佛)
Gold wind Engineering (S) Pte Ltd. is a cargo storage project Located in Singapore and Malaysia (Johor).
我们的设计我们制造 我们建设
We Design Fabricate We Build
我们的服务/Our Core Sevices
提供各式货架 / Supply Storage Racks
定制工程 / Customised Design
物流推车 / Roll Container trolley
阁楼/ Mezzanine Floor
结构检查 / Structural Inspection
升级设计 / upgrade design
欢迎工程商取货 / Welcome Contractor
搬迁货仓货架 / relocation warehouse rack
工程结构计算认可 / Engineer Endorsement
移动楼梯 / Mobile Ladder
Gold Wind Engineering (S) Pte Ltd金风工程 (新加坡)
Ms Michelle / Sharon
+65 8123 3972 (Hotline)
: No.39 Woodlands Close Mega@Woodlands 03-23/24 S'pore 737856
Mon-Friday 8am - 6pm / Sat 8am - 12am
Gold Wind Engineering & Trading金风工程 (马来西亚)
Ms Jennifer / Maggie
+6019 7226580
: No.20, Jalan Mutiara Emas 7/4, Taman Mount Austin, 81100 Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Mon-Friday 8am - 6pm / Sat 8am - 12am